Indicate the following by using integer: 3°Cabove0°C.
Indicate the following using integers:
13°C above zero.
Indicate the following statement by appropriate integer:
25°C below 0°C
Indicate the following by using integers:(i) 25∘ above zero.(ii) 5∘ below zero(iii) A profit of Rs. 800(iv) A deposit of Rs. 2500(v) 3 km above sea level(vi) 2 km below sea level
Question 61.
If we denote the height of a place above sea level by a positive integer and depth below the sea level by a negative integer, then write the following using integers with the appropirate sign:
(a) 200 m above sea level (b)100 m above sea level
(c)10 m above sea level (d) Sea level
Indicate the following by using integer: (iv) Win by 3 goals