From the matured fishes of both sexes either belonging the same species as the recipient or a closely related the pituitary glands are collected. It is preferred to collect the pituitary gland from freshly killed fishes. But it has been observed that the pituitary glands taken from five to eight days old ice-preserved fishes have also given successful results. In the fish markets, where the head of the cut fishes are available the pituitary glands can be taken out from the posterior end of the cranium through the foramen magnum after cleaning the brain tissue. Preparation of Pituitary extract: For theinduced breedingof fishes the preparation of pituitary extract is very important. But it is very easy to prepare. Immediate after the collection of the pituitary glands are kept in absolute alcohol for dehydration. After 24 hours, the alcohol is changed for further dehydration and defattening. The glands are then weighed and preserve in fresh alcohol in dark colored phials. It may be stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator. The weight of each pituitary gland varies from 7 to 19 mg in Rohu weighing 1kg to 3.8 kg and 3 to 23 mg in Mrigal weighing 0.3 to 3.6 kg. At the time of injection to carps for the induced breeding, the required quantity of pituitary glands are taken out of the phials and the alcohol is allowed to evaporate. The glands are then macerated with a tissue homogenizer either in distilled water or 0.3 percent of saline water. The gland suspension is then centrifuged and the supernatant fluid is drawn into a hypodermic syringe for the injection.