Inside a physics lab: (vibrating tuning fork does SHM)
Teacher: this experiment is about finding the frequency of oscillation of different tuning forks.
You hit it against something and take it close to this device [pointing at the device] which measures the frequency. The oscillation of a tuning fork is simple harmonic.
Student X hits a thick tuning fork lightly and finds out its frequency as f. student x then hits a thin one lightly and finds its frequency to be f'. student x thinks if he hit the thick one hard enough its frequency might come out to be f'. The student tries this.
He/she finds out that it is not possible.
frequency α1Time period
And in SHM, time period does not depend on Amplitude
Even if you increase the Amplitude the restoring force will be larger and the block will end up doing the
SHM in same time
Also T=2π√mk
it does not depend on A
So f also does not depend on A.
hence doesn't matter if you hit the tuning fork hard or not, the freqeuncy will not change and
hence f≠ f′