Is the secondary structure of any molecule or body the modification of the primary body?
Spermatogenesis: It occurs in seminiferous tubules in the testes. These tubules contain the germinal epitheliumwhich is made of primordial germ cells and Sertoli cells. Formation of spermatids occurs in the following phases:
• Multiplication phase: When the male attains sexual maturity, the primordial germ cells divide several times to produce spermatogonia, which are the precursor of sperms.
• Growth phase: The spermatogonia grow to become primary spermatocyte by receiving nourishment from the Sertoli cells.
• Maturation phase: The primary spermatocyte divides twice; the first is meiotic (reduction) division, giving rise to two haploid secondary spermatocytes, which again undergo a mitotic division, giving rise to a total of four haploid spermatids.