Juxtaglomerular cells stimulated to secrete renin when there is:
fall in GFR
The juxtaglomerular cells are stimulated to secrete renin by three mechanisms, all of which are activated in response to decreased ECF volume.
1)The juxtaglomerular cells act as baroreceptors - A drop in mean arterial pressure means less pressure in the afferent arteriole. with less stretch of the juxtaglomerular cells. Less stretch of the juxtaglomerular cells activates renin secretion.
2)The sympathetic nervous system innervates the juxtaglomerular cells - A decrease in ECF volume will cause a drop in mean arterial pressure (MAP). Decreased MAP is detected by the carotid baroreceptors, which activate these sympathetic nervous system inputs to cause renin secretion.
3)Less Na+ delivered to the distal tubule activates the juxtaglomerular cells via the juxtaglomerular apparatus.