We first notice that x1=x2=12,x3=22,x4=32,x5=52,x6=82, and so forth. This leads to the assumption that xn=f2n, where fn, is the nth term of the Fibonacci sequece defined by F1=F2=1 and Fn+1=Fn+Fn−1, for all n≥2. We prove this assertion inductively. Suppose it is true for all k≥n+2. Then xn+3=2F2n+2+2F2n+1−F2n=2F2n+2+2F2n+1−(Fn+2−Fn+1)2 =F2n+2+F2n+1+2Fn+1Fn+2=(Fn+2+Fn+1)2=F2n+3, and the assertion is proved.