Let Me be the greatest number that will divide 1305,4665 & 6905, leaving the same remainder ineach case. Sum of digits of N is ---------
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Sum of digit of N is 4
Let us say that the same remainder in each case is 'r' 1305 - r is divisble by N 4665 - r is divisible by N 6905 - r is divisible by N
If 'a' is divisible by N and 'b' is divisible by N, then 'b - a' is divisible by N Case 1: (4665 - r) - (1305 - r) is divisble by N => 3360 is divisble by N Case 2: (6905 - r) - (1305 - r) is divisble by N => 5600 is divisble by N Case 3: (6905 - r) - (4665- r) is divisble by N => 2240 is divisble by N
We are looking for the largest possible value of N. It will be the HCF(3360, 5600, 2240) = 1120