The correct options are
B Sum of odd divisors of P is 336
C Total number of ways in which P can be represented as product of 2 coprime numbers is 8
D Total number of ways in which P can be represented as product of 2 natural numbers is 12
For the divisors to be even, we should take atleast one 2.
∴ sum of required divisors =(21+22)(30+31)(50+51)(130+131)=6×4×6×14=2016
For the divisors to be odd, we should not take any 2.
∴ sum of required divisors =(30+31)(50+51)(130+131)=4×6×14=336
Here, total different prime factors are 4
∴ number of ways in which 780 can be resolved as product of two coprime numbers is 24−1=8
Since, P is not a perfect square, the number of ways in which P can be resolved as product of two numbers =12[(2+1)(1+1)(1+1)(1+1)]=12