Given fractions 12 & 23 Let us make denominators are equals as follow 12=1×32×3 & 23=2×23×2 ⇒12=36 & 23=46 The resultant numerators values are not sufficient to insert the the five numbers between them, so again multiply 66 to the resultant fractions to make their denominators are equal as follow.
3×66×6=1836 & 4×66×6=2436 Now, insert 5 integers between the numerators 18 and 24 as 18<19<20<21<22<23<24 Dividing 6 on both sides, we get ⇒1836<1936<2036<2036<2136<2236<2336<2436 Therefore, the five rational numbers between the given numbers are 1936,2036,2036,2136,2236,2336