The four main hormones produced by the endocrine pancreas and their functions are Glucagon
It is a polypeptide hormone.
It is secreted by the pancreas when the glucose level in the blood drops.
It increases the blood glucose levels by initiating glycogenolysis (glycogen degradation) and stimulating gluconeogenesis (synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate molecules) in the liver cells.
Since it increases the blood glucose levels it is a hyperglycemic (hyper-more, glycemic-sugar levels) hormone
It also initiates lipolysis (degradation of lipid) in the adipose tissue.
It is also a polypeptide hormone
It has antagonistic (opposite) effects of the hormone glucagon.
It is released when the glucose level in the blood raises.
It lowers blood sugar levels in different ways; increasing the uptake of glucose by all the cells in the body, initiating glycogenesis (glycogen synthesis) in the liver and muscle.
It initiates lipogenesis (synthesis of lipids/fat) and storage of fat in adipose tissue and inhibits gluconeogenesis
It is a hypoglycemic (hypo=less) hormone as it reduces the sugar levels in the blood
Also known as growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
It acts locally on the Islets of Langerhans and inhibit the secretion of both insulin and glucagon
It also reduces gastric secretions and inhibits the release of gastrointestinal hormones
Pancreatic Polypeptide
It is a polypeptide secreted by the cells of the pancreas.
Protein is strong stimulus for its production
It affects gastric and biliary secretion and motility of the GI tract