Yes I agree to the statement. Though advertising is one
of the most frequently used medium
of promotion of goods and services,
it attracts lot of criticism. The
opponents of advertising say that the
expenditure on advertising is a social
waste as it adds to the cost, multiplies
the needs of people and undermines
social values. The proponents,
however, argue that advertising is
very useful as it increases the reach,
brings the pay unit cost of production
down and adds to the growth of the
economy. It is therefore, important to
examine the major criticisms against
advertising and see the extent to
which these are true. This is taken
up as follows:
1. Adds to Cost: The opponents of
advertising argue that advertising
unnecessarily adds to the cost of
product, which is ultimately passed
on to the buyers in the form of high prices. An advertisement on TV, for a
few seconds, for example, costs the
marketers several lakhs of rupees.
Similarly an advertisement in print
media say in a newspaper or a
magazine costs the marketers a large
amount of money. The money spent
adds to the cost, which in an
important factor in fixation of the price
of a product.
True, advertisement of a product
costs lot of money but it helps to
increase the demand for the product
as large number of potential buyers
come to know about the availability
of the products, its features etc. and
are persuaded to buy it. The increased
demand leads to higher production,
which brings with it the economies of
scale. As a result, the per unit cost of
production comes down as the total
cost is divided by larger number of
units. Thus, the expenditure on
advertisement adds to the total cost
but the per unit cost comes down
which in fact lessens the burden of
consumers rather than adding to it.
2. Undermines Social Values: Another
important criticism of advertising is
that it undermines social values and
promotes materialism. It breeds
discontent among people as they come
to know about new products and feel
dissatisfied with their present state of
affairs. Some advertisements show new
life styles, which don’t find social
This criticism is not entirely true.
Advertisement in fact helps buyers by
informing them about the new
products, which may be improvement
over the existing products. If the
buyers are not informed about these
products, they may be using inefficient
products. Further, the job of an
advertisement is to inform. The final
choice to buy or not to buy anyway
rests with the buyers. They will buy if
the advertised product satisfies some
of their needs. They may be motivated
to work harder to be able to purchase
these products.
3. Confuses the Buyers: Another
criticism against advertisement is that
so many products are being advertised
which makes similar claims that the
buyer gets confused as to which one
is true and which one should be relied
upon. For example, we may note
similar claims of whiteness or stain
removing abilities in competing
brands of detergent powder or claims
of whiteness of tooth or ‘feelings of
freshness’ in competing brands of
toothpaste that it is sometimes
confusing to us as to which one to buy.
The supporters of advertisement,
however, argue that we are all rational
human beings who make our decisions
for purchase of products on factors
such as price, style, size, etc. Thus the
buyers can clear their confusion by
analysing the information provided on
the advertisements and other sources
before taking a decision to purchase a
product. However, this criticism cannot
be completely overruled.
4. Encourages Sale of Inferior
Products: Advertising does not
distinguish between superior and
inferior products and persuade people
to purchase even the inferior products.In fact superiority and inferiority
depends on the quality, which is a
relative concept. The desired level of
quality will depend on the economic
status and preferences of the target
customers. Advertisements sell
products of a given quality and the
buyers will buy if it suits their
requirements. No advertisement
should however, make false claim
about the quality of a product. If a firm
makes a false claims it can be
prosecuted for the same.
5. Some Advertisements are in Bad
Taste: Another criticism against
advertising is that some advertisements
are in bad taste. These show something
which in not approved by some people
say advertisements showing women
dancing when not required or running
after a man because he is wearing a
particular suit or using a particular
perfume are certainly not good. Some
advertisements distort the relationship
like employer employee and are quite
offensive. We have seen the views of the
opponents and the proponents of
advertising. There may be some
chances of misuse of advertising as a
tool, which can be properly
safeguarded by the law or by
developing a code of conduct by the
advertisers, for their self regulation.
However, most of the criticism against
advertising are not entirely true. In the
changed economic environment of
globalisation, advertising is
considered as an important tool of
marketing. It helps a firm in effectively
communicating with its target market,
increasing the sale and there by
reducing the per unit cost of
production. It is not a social waste,
rather it adds value to the social cause
by giving a boost to production and
generating employment.