Look at the diagram on the right side.Jar A contains a red -brown gas whereas jar B contains a colourless gas. The two gas jars separated by a glass plate placed between them
(a) What will happen when the glass plate between the two jars is pulled away ?
(b What name is givnen to the phenomenon which takes place ?
(c Name the brown gas which could be in jar A.
(d Which is the colourless gas most likely to be present in jar B?
(e) Name one coloured solid and one colourless liquid which can show the same phenomenon.
(a) The red-brown gas will diffuse from jar A into colourless gas in jar B due to which its red-brown colour will also spread into jar B.
(b) Diffusion (in gasses)
(c) Bromine Vapour
(d) Air
(e) Potassium Permanganate and water