Match Column - I with Column - II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the columns.
Column - I Column - IIA. MitochondriaP. De DuveB. GolgiQ. Camello golgiC. NucleusR. BendaD. LysosomesS. Robert Brown
A - R; B - Q; C - S; D - A
The term "mitochondria" was coined by Carl Benda in 1898.
Golgi body or Golgi apparatus was discovered in 1898 by an Italian physician Camillo Golgi during an investigation of the nervous system.
The nucleus of the cell was discovered by Robert Brown. He was studying orchids under the microscope when he observed an opaque area. He named it the "areola" or "nucleus".
With the help of electron microscopy, de Duve and colleagues imaged lysosomes in cell fractions.