Match the Column - X with Column - Y:
Column - X (Colloids) | Column - Y (Classification) |
(I) Rain cloud | A. Sol |
(II) Milk of magnesia | B. Aerosol |
(III) Soap suds | C. Gel |
(IV) Butter | D. Foam |
A sol is a colloidal solution suspension of very small solid
particles in a continuous liquid medium.Ex: Rain clouds.
An aerosol is defined as a colloidal system of solid or
liquid particles in a gas.Ex:Milk of megnesia.
A semi-rigid slab or cylinder of an organic polymer used as
a medium for the separation of macromolecules is called gel.Saop suds.
Foam is a colloidal system in which the particles are gas bubbles and the medium is a liquid. The term also is applied to material in a lightweight cellular spongy or rigid form.Ex:Butter.
So the correct options are (I) - A (II) - B (III) - C (IV) - D.
Hence option A is correct.