Match the columns and find the correct combination
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A. Cuscuta - (4) Parasite (Angiospermic non-chlorophyllous plant belonging to family Convulvulaceae, obtains nutrition by sending haustoria into stems of green plants)
B. Eichhornia - (5) root pockets (It is a floating aquatic plant with root pockets)
C. Monotropa - (1) Saprophytes ( non-chlorophyllous, derives nutrition from fungus)
D. Rhizophora - (2) Pneumatophore (breathing roots, that rise above the soil and have lenticels for exchange of gases. These roots are present in plants growing in water logged areas or mangroves)
E. Utricularia - (3) Insectivorous plant (Aquatic plant that traps insects for obtaining Nitrogen, the tip of the leaf blade is modified into bladder for trapping insects)