Fill in the blanks.
(i)Tibia & Fibula (ii)Radius & ulna (iii)Tarsals (iv)Carpals (v)Metacarpals (vi)Metatarsals
(i)Radius & ulna (ii)Tibia & fibula (iii)Carpals (iv)Tarsals (v)Metacarpals (vi)Metatarsals.
(i)Radius & Ulna (ii)Tibia & fibula (iii)Carpals (iv)Tarsals (v)Metatarsals (vi)Metacarpals
(i)Radius & ulna (ii)Tibia & fibula (iii) Tarsals (iv)Carpals (v)Metatarsals (vi)Metacarpals
Read the given paragraph. The human skeleton consists of many different long and short bones. The upper arm consists of a long bone called (i) whereas (ii) and (iii) are the long bones of lower arm. (iv) is the long bone of upper leg whereas lower leg consists of two long bones called (v) and (vi). Carpals, (vii) and phalanges are bones of wrist and hands whereas ankle and feet have bones called(viii), metatarsals and phalanges. Select the option that correctly fills any four blanks.