Match the following.
Column - I Column - II
(i) Calyx 1. Whorl of carpels
(ii) Corolla 2. Whorl of stamens
(iii) Androecium 3. Whorl of sepals
(iv) Gynoecium 4. Whorl of petals
(i) - 3, (ii) - 4, (iii) - 2, (iv) - 1
A complete flower consists of four whorls. Two are essential whorls which are directly involved in the process of reproduction. The androecium consisting of stamens and the gynoecium consisting of carpels are the essential whorls of a flower. In addition to these whorls, flowers have two accessory whorls. These whorls include the calyx which is the whorl of sepals and corolla which is the whorl of petals.