Match the following.
Column IColumn II(i) Natural contraceptiona. Levonorgestrel-20(ii) Mechanical contraceptionb. MALA-D(iii) Hormonal contraceptionc. Diaphragms(iv) Oral contraceptiond. Coitus interruptusi-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
We can divide contraceptive methods into three primary categories: natural, mechanical and hormonal. Hormonal contraception can be oral or cervical.
Coitus interruptus is natural method of contraception where sperms are ejaculated outside vagina during intercourse.
Mechanical contraception involves putting a barrier to prevent sperms from meeting egg. Diaphragms or female condoms are one of the examples of mechanical contraception.
Hormonal contraception involves introducing hormones to prevent ovulation. Generally progesterone hormone is used. Levonorgestrel-20 is a copper-T like device which releases progesterone hormone in the female reproductive tract and prevents ovulation and conception.
Oral pills like MALA-D are oral contraceptive pills which are taken in coordination with menstrual cycle to prevent ovulation.