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Match the following.
List 1 List 2
A. Loop of Henle 1. Carries blood the kidney
B. Rental artery 2. Area where a considerable amount of reabsorption takes place
C. Proximal convoluted tubule 3. Main area of secretion
D. Glomerulus 4. Filtration of blood
E. Distal convoluted tubule 5. Plays a role in concentration of urine

A- 5, B- 1, C- 2, D- 4, E- 3
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A- 5, B- 1, C- 2, D- 3, E- 4
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A- 1, B- 5, C- 3, D- 4, E- 2
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A- 2, B- 1, C- 3, D- 5, D- 4
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The correct option is A A- 5, B- 1, C- 2, D- 4, E- 3
A. A loop of Henle- The loop of Henle helps to produce concentrated urine, by reducing the volume of water and solutes within the urine but without changing the concentration by using a counter current multiplier.
B. Rental artery- Each kidney receives its blood supply from a single renal artery from dorsal aorta and is drained off by a single renal vein, which opens into the inferior vena cava.
C. Proximal convoluted tubule- The epithelial cells of this region are specialized for transport of salts and other substances from the lumen to the interstitial fluid. The tubule lumen has numerous microvilli (Brush Borders) which increase the surface area for absorption. Also near its basolateral surface, the mitochondria are concentrated, to allow reabsorption of salts by active transport.
D. Glomerulus- Within the bowman's capsule, a tuft of capillaries is present, which is called as the glomerulus. The diameter of afferent arteriole bringing the blood into the glomerulus is greater than efferent arteriole, which takes away the blood from glomerulus. This builds up pressure within the glomerulus resulting into ultrafiltration through the fenestrated endothelium of glomerular capillaries.
E. Distal convoluted tubule - Na+ ions and H2O is reabsorbed under the influence of hormone in DCT along with which Urea, uric acid creatine hippuric secreted into the tubule.
So, the correct answer is option A.

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