1). {xisprimenumberandadivisorof6}
Prime number =2,3,5,7
Divisor of 6=1,2,3,6
Numbers which are both prime and divisor of 6
2). {x:xisanoddnaturalnumbersmallerthen10}
The natural number starts from 1 onwards.
Numbers which are both odd and natural
which are less then 10={1,3,5,7,9}
3). {x:xisanaturalnumberanddivisorof6}
Natural starts from 1 onwards
Divisors of 6=1,2,3,6
Numbers which are both natural numbers
and divisor of 6={1,2,3,6}
4). {x:xisaletterofthewordMATHEMATICS}
Repetitions are not considered and
solution set consists of letters only once
solution set ={M,A,T,H,E,I,C,S}
A] {1,2,3,6}=3]{x:xisanaturalnumberanddivisorsof6}
B] {2,3}=1]{x:xisaprimenumberanddivisorof6}