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Meera and Ajay completed their MBA and started working in a multinational company at the same level. Both are hardworking and are happy with their employer. Ajay had the habit of backbiting and wrong reporting about his colleagues to impress his boss Salman. All employees knew about Ajay's behaviour and attitude. At the time of performance appraisal, their boss man decides to promote Ajay stating that being female Meera will not be able to handle the complication of a higher post.
(i) Identify and explain the principles of management (of Fayol's) which were not followed by this multinational company.
(ii) Identify the values which are being ignored quoting the lines from the above paragraph.

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(i) The multinational company did not follow the principle of 'Equity' which requires that all employees should be treated equally and provided equal opportunity. Accordingly, Meera and Ajay, both should have been given fair appraisal and their performance should have been evaluated based on their capabilities and targets achieved.

(ii) "Ajay had the habit of backbiting and wrong reporting about his colleagues to impress his boss Salman" - This violated the principle of subordination of individual interests which implies that the interests of one person should not take priority over the interests of the organisation.

"All employees knew about Ajay's behaviour and attitude." - This suggests violation to two principles - (1) Esprit de corps where team spirit and harmony was limited and (2) Initiative wherein other employees should have taken initiative to stop Ajay's behaviour by reporting to their boss as it reduced efficiency and morale among employees.

"Their boss Salman decides to promote Ajay stating that being female Meera will not be able to handle the complication of a higher post" -Principles violated are (1) Order as the right person is not selected on the basis of merit (2) Unity of direction wherein the boss ignored the organisational goals but prioritised his biases towards Meera.

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