Mention the numerals used in base-2 system.
The numerals used in base-2 system are 0 and 1.
Mention the numerals used in base-5 system.
Which is the greatest numeral used in base-2 system.
Fill in the blanks with suitable answers:
(1) The total number of numerals used in base 10 system is ………
(2) Total numerals used in base-2 system is ……..
(3) The biggest numeral used is base 10 system is ……
Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.
(1) The biggest numerals used in the base five system is ……..
(2) 17 has ……. group of 5 and …….. units.
(3) 2 × 52 + 1 × 51 + 0 × 50 This expression is in ……. system.
(4) Expansion of 432(5) is ……..
(5) 28 in base 5 system is …….