Multiply 437 by 312 and divide the result by 417?
Step 1: First we have to multiply 437 by 312
=437×312⇒317×72=31×77×2=312 (∵ dividing numerator and denominator by 7)
Step 2 : Divide 312 by 417
If the number 7 multiply by 6 =42 gives the same 42 divided by 7= 8 and why ?
Give expressions for the following cases.
(a) 7 added to p (b) 7 subtracted from p
(c) p multiplied by 7 (d) p divided by 7
(e) 7 subtracted from − m (f) − p multiplied by 5
(g) − p divided by 5 (h) p multiplied by − 5