Number ofNumber ofCumulativeletterssurnamesfrequency1−4664−730367−10407610−13169213−1649616−194100
Now, n = 100
So, n2=1002=50
This observation lies in the class 7 - 10. So, 7 - 10 is the median class.
Therefore, l = 7, h = 3, f = 40, cf = 36
∴ Median=l+(n2−cff)×h=7+(50−3640)×3
Hence, the median number of letters in the surnames is 8.05
Mean. Take a = 8.5, h = 3
Number ofNumber ofClassdi=xi−8.5ui=xi−8.53fiuiletterssurnamesmark(fi)1−462.5−6−2−124−7305.5−3−1−307−10408.500010−131611.5311613−16414.562816−19417.59312Total∑fi=100∑fiui=−6
Using the step-deviation method.
Hence, the mean number of letters in the surnames is 8.32
Mode: Since the maximum number of surnames have number of letters in the interval 7 - 10, the modal class is 7 - 10
Therefore, l=7,h=3,f1=40,f0=30,f2=16
Hence, the modal size of the surnames is 7.88