many kinds of movements in plants . they are of two types : tropism and nastismtropism movement are of four types :
phototropism , hydrotropism , geotropism and thigmotropism.
1. phototropism : the movement of plant parts towards the presense of light is called phototropism . shoot system of plants show positive phototropism and the root system of plants show negative phototropism .
2. hydrotropism : the movement of plant parts towards the presence of water is called hydrotropism .
3.geotropism : the growth of plant parts towards the earth 's gravitational force is called geotropism . the shoot system of plants show negative geotropism and root system of plant show positive geotrpism .
4.thigmotropism : the growth of plat parts in respons to external stimuli is calld thigmotropism . both the shoot system and the root system can show positive and negative thigmotropism.