Any plant can be categorized as either monocot or dicot based on the following feature: (any two)
1. Seed - Monocot seed has one cotyledon and dicot seeds have two cotyledons.
2. Roots - Monocots have adventitious roots, whereas instead of roots dicots have radicle from which a root develops.
3. Stem - Monocot has weak stem whereas dicot has a strong stem.
4. Leaves - Monocot doesn't have stalk ie., it is attached directly with the stem, whereas dicot has stalk i.e., leaves attached to stem via a stalk.
5. Veins - Monot plant leaves have parallel veins that are long and thin, whereas dicot plant leaves have branched veins.
6. Cells - At a microscopic level, they have different shapes of guard cells and in case of dicots, they are abundantly present on the lower side of a plant.
7. Monocots have bulliform cells on leaf surface whereas they are absent in dicots. Bulliforms are large bubble-shaped cells that grow in clusters or groups on the surface.