Name the enzyme which help in digestion of the foods shown below in small intestine:
I- Amylase, II - Lipase
I- Lipase, II- Trypsin
I- Bile juice, II- Pepsin
I- Protease, II – Amylase
In our digestive system, different nutrients are broken down with the help of different enzymes. For example:
(a) What is common for Cuscuta, ticks and leeches? (b) Name the substances on which the following enzymes act in the human digestive system : (i) Trypsin (ii) Amylase (iii) Pepsin (iv) Lipase (c) Why the absorption of digested food occurs mainly in the small intestine?
Question 66 Name the correct substrates for the following enzymes.
(a) Trypsin
(b) Amylase
(c) Pepsin
(d) Lipase
Complete the following table: [5 MARKS] Digestive juices and enzymesSubstance digestedProduct FormedSalivaAmylaseGastric juiceProtease (pepsin) and hydrochloric acidPancreatic juiceProteases(trypsin)LipasesAmylaseIntestinal enzymesPeptidasesSucraseLactaseMaltaseBile from the liverBile salts