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Name the metals present in bronze. What are the uses of this alloy?

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1. Alloys

A homogenous mixture of elements obtained by mixing the elements in the molten form followed by cooling is called an alloy. The main requirement for an alloy is that at least one of the elements present in the alloy should be metal. Alloys have wide applications because their properties differ from their constituent elements.

For example, amalgam is an alloy made by mixing any metal with mercury.

2. Bronze

Bronze is an alloy made of elements Copper Cu and Tin Sn. The percentage of Copper in bronze varies from 75% to 90% and that of Tin varies from 25% to10 %. The earlier types of Bronze contained Copper and Arsenic As and were called arsenic bronze. The Arsenic was later replaced with Tin because Tin bronze could be prepared in a more controlled process and the hardness value is higher.

There are also other types of bronze having Tin replaced with Aluminium Al, Manganese Mn , etc. and each type of bronze has different properties. The common property of all the varieties of bronze is its hardness. That is, bronze is harder than pure copper.

3. Uses of bronze

As the alloying of Copper, increases its strength, bronze has many applications.

1. It is used in the construction of medals, musical instruments, utensils, coins, hardware, etc.

2. It is resistant to seawater corrosion and is therefore used in ship propellants and submerged bearing.

3. Bronze alloy expands slightly before it sets. This property makes it useful for the construction of sculptures as this expansion fills the finest details of the mould.

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