The hindbrain or Rhombencephalon is a part of the brain. This part of the brain comprises of cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata.
Cerebellum: This region communicates with another region of the CNS through three large nerve tracts called the cerebellar peduncles. Cerebellar dysfunction may cause decreased muscle tone, imbalance and lack of co-ordination.
Pons: This region relays information from the cerebrum to the cerebellum. It also contains sleep center and respiratory centers. These centers along with medulla help to control respiratory movement.
Medulla oblongata: It is the most inferior part of the brain stem. It acts as a conduction pathway for both ascending and descending nerve tracts. The nuclei inside the medulla oblongata function as centers of several reflexes involved in the regulation of heart rate, blood vessel contractions, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, coughing and sneezing.