a) sunflower
Plastid :- chromoplast
Pigment :- yellow colour (Xanthopyll)
b) ripe tomato
Plastid :- chromoplasts
Pigment :- carotene
The colour in ripe tomato is due to the presence of pigments found in the plastids. The plastids themselves do not impart the characteristic red colour. This pigment is found in the chromoplast.
Similarly, Brinjal is purple in colour due to the presence of anthocyanin pigment in the chromoplast.
c)Skin of green mango
Plastid : Chloroplast
Pigment : Chlorophyll
d) Cell of potato
Pigment:-no pigment
Amyloplasts convert starch back into sugar when the plant needs energy. Large numbers of amyloplasts can be found in fruit and in underground storage tissues of some plants, such as in potato tubers. Amyloplasts are plastids, specially leucoplasts.