Notice these words in the story.
• “chuffed”, meaning delighted or very pleased
• “nosey”, meaning inquisitive
• “gawky”, meaning awkward, ungainly
These are words that are used in an informal way in colloquial speech.
Make a list of ten other words of this kind.
List of the words used by the characters in their colloquial speech is given below:
1. “Airhead”, meaning a stupid person
2. “Boo boo”, meaning to make mistakes
3. “Glitzy”, meaning fashionable
4. “Airy-fairy”, meaning to be overly idealistic
5. “Tight-arse”, meaning a person who doesn’t like to spend money on others
6. “Thick”, meaning to be not very intelligent
7. “Nerd”, meaning a person with lesser social skills
8. “Gnarly”, meaning extreme
9. “Bonkers”, meaning crazy
10. “Eggy”, meaning stressed