Numerator of a fraction is 1 more than the denominator. If 2 is added both to the Numerator and denominator, the fraction obtained is 54. Find the fraction.
Let the denominator be x.
∴ Numerator is one more than the denominator.
So, Numerator = x + 1
The fraction =x+1x
If 2 is added both to the Numerator and the denominator the fraction becomes 54.
Original fraction =x+1x
Adding 2 to Numerator and denominator,
x+1+2x+2=x+3x+2=54 → givenx+3x+2=54
Cross multiply.
4(x + 3) = 5(x + 2)
4x + 12 = 5x + 10
12 - 10 = 5x - 4x
2 = x
The fraction is x+1x
→ 2+12=32