The following handicraft items can be prepared from the waste materials usually seen in bins and waste storage.
1) Ice-cream sticks from the waste can be used to prepare flower vases, decorative pieces, etc.
2) Papier-mache prepared from waste paper decorated with the help of differenct colours and can be used fot the preparation of egg trays.
3) Empty earthen cup (kullarh) can be used as Janjhi by making small hole in it and putting a burnt candle. Light comes out in different designs.
4) Designs and sceneries on cardboard, pencil scrab can be used to make cards, projects, etc.
5) Different types of toys are prepared with the help of plastic cup, spoon, plate, forks.
6) Some waste items can be used to prepare baskets, toys, flower vase, etc.
7) Models of historical monuments can be designed with the help of empty injection bottles.