| particulars | amt | amt |
1 | Bank a/c ____dr To debenture application a/c (being application money received) | 5640000 | 5640000 |
2 | Debenture application ____dr To bank a/c (Being amount refunded) | 94000 | 94000 |
3 | Debenture application ____dr Loss on issue a/c _____dr To debenture a/c To Premium on redemption a/c (Being redemption entry passed) | 470000 800000 | 5000000 500000 |
4 | Profit and loss appropriation a/c___dr To debenture redemption reserve a/c (Being DRR created) | 2500000 | 2500000 |
5 | DRR____dr To general reserve a/c (Being DRR transferred) | 2500000 | 2500000 |