Ozone is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms. It occurs naturally in small (trace) amounts in the upper atmosphere (the stratosphere).
In the stratosphere, chlorofluorocarbons get broken down by powerful UV radiations, releasing chlorine free radicals.
\( πΆπΉ_2πΆπ_2 (π)\rightarrowπΆπ ^.(π)+πΆπΉ_2πΆπ^.(π)\)
The chlorine radical then reacts with stratospheric ozone to form chlorine monoxide radicals and molecular oxygen.
\(πΆπ^. (π) + π_3 (π)\rightarrow πΆππ^. (π) + π_2 (π)\)
Reaction of chlorine monoxide radical with atomic oxygen produces more chlorine radicals.
\(πΆπO^. (π) + π (π)\rightarrow πΆπ^. (π) + π_2 (π)\)
The chlorine radicals are continuously regenerated and cause the breakdown of ozone. Thus, CFCs are transporting agents for continuously generating chlorine radicals into the stratosphere and damaging the ozone layer.