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On the basis of functions, differentiate between

(i) Neutrophils and eosinophils

(ii) Lymphocytes and thrombocytes

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Neutrophils and eosinophils:

  1. Neutrophils are the type of granular WBCs that are present most abundant and provide immunity by fighting body infections.
  2. Eosinophils are the type of granular WBCs that provide immunity against diseases and have a major role in allergic reactions.
  3. The differences between neutrophils and eosinophils based on the functions can be tabulated as below:
  1. Nearly 62% of the white blood cells.
  1. About 2.3% of the white blood cells and their count increase during allergic reactions.
2. Phagocytic cells as they engulf and eat microbes. 2. Non-phagocytic cells and provides inflammatory responses by secreting antitoxin when an allergy occurs.
3. The nucleus contains 3 to 4 lobes. 3. The nucleus has 2 lobes.
4. The granules of the neutrophils are stained pink in neutral dyes. 4. The granules of the eosinophils are stained brick-red with acidic dyes.

Lymphocytes and thrombocytes:

  1. Lymphocytes are the smallest type of white blood corpuscles (WBCs) that plays an eminent role in killing microbes.
  2. Thrombocytes or platelets are the types of blood cells that help in blood coagulation.
  3. The lymphocytes and thrombocytes can be distinguished as follows:
  1. Small and amoeboid WBCs.
  1. minute, oval or round blood cells.
2. A single large nucleus is present. 2. Nucleus is absent.
3. The life span is 12 to 14 days. 3. Life span is 3 to 5 days.
4. Produce antibodies and kill microbes. 4. Release thromboplastin that initiates blood coagulation.
5. The major function is immunity. 5. Major function is blood clotting.
6. Occupy 5000-9000 mm3 of human blood. 6. Occupy 20000-400000 /mm3 of blood.

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