Osteoarthritis is a ____ disease.
Final answer: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease.
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? Statement 1: Osteoarthritis is a joint disease affecting joints and knee in old age and any age people. Statement 2: Central Drug Research Institute – Lucknow, have made a nano formulation from the Palak (Pala spinach) to cure this disease.
Read the statements below: Statement 1: Osteoarthritis is a joint disease affecting joints and knee in old age and any age people. Statement 2: CDRI (Central Drug Research Institute – Lucknow) have made a nano formulation from Jatropha to cure this disease. Q: Which of the above statements is/are true?
Match the following______
Column I Column II
i. Myasthenia gravis a. Accumulation of lactic acid
ii. Osteoarthritis. b. Autoimmune response to synovial membrane
iii. Gouty arthritis. c. degenerative disease
iv. Osteoporosis. d. Autoimmune response to neuromuscular junction