Out of the given decimal numbers, which one is the greatest: 2.10242, 2.10422, 2.10224 and 2.10424?
When we compare the given numbers we find that:
2.10224 < 2.10242 < 2.10422 < 2.10424
In all the given decimal place, all the numbers are the same till one hundredth.
For 2.10224 ---- One Thousandth place is 2.
In 2.10242 -------- One Thousandth place is 2.
In 2.10422 ----- One Thousandth place is 4.
In 2.10424 ------- One thousandth place is 4.
Comparing the ten-thousandth place of 2.10422 and 2.10424, both the decimal has 2 in the ten thousandth's place.
Hence, by comparing the hundred-thousandth's place, in 2.10422 we have 2 and in 2.10424 we have 4.
∴ The greatest number is : 2.10424.