Out of these, four players namely Abhishek, Bharat, Hitesh and Ashutosh decide to play a game "Pirate Bay-II" tournament after the end of this tournament. The tournament is played on the round robin basis where each player trades with the other player once. All trades produced a winner. The winner is decided on the basis of the Pirate Bay in a way that the player who has more exports in Pirate Bay against the other player wins the round. The winner is awarded 2 points. "Pirate Bay-II" is won by the player scoring most number of points. Who won the tournament?
Cannot be determined
Player 1Player 2Export ofExport ofWinner Player 1Player 2 to 2to 1AshutoshAbhishek1528AbhishekAshutoshHitesh753HiteshAshutoshBharat2457BharatAbhishekHitesh6845AbhishekAbhishekBharat3562BharatHiteshBh5235Abhishek
RankPlayerNumber ofPoints times Winner 1Hitesh241Abhishek241Bharat244Ashutosh00
Hence, it cannot be determined.