critically analyse the origin and growth of consumer movement in india.
Dear Student,
Consumer movement, in its present form in India, came into being only in the 1960's with the formation of Consumer Guidance Society of India in 1966 in Bombay. With its success, the consumer movement spread over to fight for availability, purity and standard prices of commodities. At present, there are about 1000 organisations all over the country. One can say that the consumer movement in India has come of age. From simple awareness generation, it took over to direct action and. then to testing and litigation. Its contribution to the passing of Consumer Protection Act, 1986, has been a historic achievement. Both business and bureaucrats have started taking consumers seriously. Consumer grievance cells have been launched by important organisations and corporations. Consumers are represented on a number of consumer welfare committees set up by various organisations. However, with liberalisation and globalisation, there are challenges ahead for the consumer gcoups.