1. Absorption pit method:- in this method a pit of around 5-8 meters is dug into the soil and filled with pebbles and sand at the top. Pipe from the roof top or veranda is connected to this pit to store rainwater.
2. Absorption pit method:-in this method a well is dug using cement rings of about 2-6 ft and the well is very deep. Pipe from the roof top or veranda is connected to this well for rainwater storage.
3. Well cum bore method:- it is a combination of bore (pit) and well method. It is mostly dug where the soil is clayey for 10 - 15 ft.
4. Recharge trench cum injection well:- in this method a trench is dug of about 1-2 m wide and 1-2 m deep. Then a number of injections wells are constructed below the trench that reach about 3-5 m below the water table.
5. Groundwater dams:- they allow the storage of water undergound by obstructing the natural flow of groundwater.
6. Sub-surface dam:- it block the flow of an aquifer to store the rainwater.
7. Sand storage dam:- it is constructed above the ground for storing rainwater.
8. Ferrocement method:- in this method the storage containers are made up of ferrocement for storing rainwater.