The Constitution of 1799, established the Consulate with Napoleon Bonaparte as the First Consul.In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself the Emperor of France and this event marked the end of the French Revolution.
He set out to invade and conquer neighbouring countries,dispossessing ruling dynasties of Kings and creating new Kingdoms where he placed members of his family. He reintroduced slavery which was earlier abolished by the Jacobins in 1794. He saw himself as a modernizer of Europe and introduced many laws such as protection of private property, introduced the Napoleonic Code of Laws.
Initially many people considered Napoleon as a liberator who would bring freedom and liberty to the people, will over throw monarchies to make way for republics but very soon people became disillusioned. This is so because the
Napoleonic armies came to be viewed everywhere as an invading force. His main intenion was to become powerful by occupying more and more territories.