Vertebrates are classified further on following basis:
1. Pisces: Their body is streamlined and muscular tail is present which assists in locomotion. They are cold-blooded animals and has two chambered heart.
2. Tetrapoda: Animals have four limbs for locomotion and divided into four classes, viz. amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammalia.
1. Amphibia: These animals live both in water and land and hence animals breathe through skin when in water and through lungs when on land. Their heart has three chambers.
2. Reptilia: These animals show crawling movement for locomotion.They have three chambered heart but crocodile has four-chambered heart.
3. Aves: The body is covered with feathers and forelimbs are modified into wings. Their heart has four chambers and bones are hollow.
4. Mammalia: The body is covered with hairs and most of the them give birth to young ones and are called viviparous. Some of the mammals lay eggs and are called oviparous.