on placing a piece of zinc in a solution of metal in a solution of mercuric chloride it acquires a silvery surface but when it is a placed in a solution of magnesium sulphate no change is observed state reason?
Zinc is more reactive than mercury and so placed above mercury in the reactivity series. Thus, when a piece of zinc is placed in a solution of mercuric chloride, then zinc being more reactive will displace mercury from its salt, thereby forming zinc chloride. The displaced mercury metal (which is silver in colour) is deposited in the surface of zinc. Following is the chemical equation for the reaction
Zn + HgCl2 → ZnCl2 + Hg
On the other hand, zinc is less reactive than magnesium. Hence, it is not able to displace magnesium from its salt. this is why when a piece of zinc is added to MgSO4, no reaction is observed.
Zn + MgSO4 → no reaction