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Byju's Answer
Standard X
Recombinant DNA Technology
1.Why cloning...
1.Why cloning process becomes complicated when more than one recognition sites are present?
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Presence of more than one site will generate several fragments, which will make the process of cloning more complicated.
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Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1 : The cloning vector is required to have very few, preferably single, recognition sites for the commonly used restriction enzymes.Statement 2 : Presence of more than one recognition sites within a cloning vector will generate several fragments, which will complicate the process of gene cloning.
Assertion :The cloning vector is required to have very few, preferably single recognition commonly used used restriction enzymes. Reason: Presence of more than one recognition site within a cloning vector will generate which will complicate the process of gene cloning.
Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
(i) The same kind of sticky ends are produced when DNA has been cut by different restriction enzymes.
(ii) Exonucleases make cuts at specific positions within the DNA.
(iii) Hind II was the first restriction endonuclease to be isolated.
(iv) A bacteriophage can replicate within bacterial cells by integrating its DNA with bacterial DNA.
(v) The presence of more than one recognition site for an enzyme within the vector complicates the gene cloning.
Which of the following are essential features of a cloning vector used to create transgenic organisms:
1.Presence of ori site
2.Presence of selectable markers
3.Presence of restriction endonuclease recognition sites
Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
(i) Same kind of sticky ends are produced when a DNA is cut by different restriction enzymes.
(ii) Exonucleases make cuts at specific positions within the DNA.
(iii) Hind II was the first restriction endonuclease to be isolated.
(iv) A bacteriophage has the ability to replicate within bacterial cells by integrating its DNA with bacterial DNA.
(v) Presence of more than one recognition site for the same restriction enzyme within the vector complicates gene cloning.
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