Q-3) give few examples about the issue of sustanibility important for development and environmental degradation that you may have observed around you??
Q-4} compare india nad srilanka on the basis of any 3 indicators of the human development index for 2004?
Ans-3 Some of the issues observed are over exploitation of minerals and natural resources, cutting down of forests for construction purposes, contamination of the river basins. All these factors contribute to environmental degradation and as a result impose a challange on sustainable development.
Ans-4 The following are the the three differences between India and Sri Lanka:
(i) Life expectancy in Sri lank is more than life expectancy in India.
(ii) Per capita income of Sri lank is 4390 US dollars, while that of India is 3139 US dollars.
(iii) Literacy rate in India is 61, while literacy rate in Sri Lanka is 91.