Universal Adult Franchise is an important aspect of Democracy as it ensures equality in the society by giving right to vote to all the adult citizens irrespective of their class, caste , creed , religion or sex. It ensures that everyone has one vote and every vote has equal value.It also allows participation of the people in the governance of the country giving them freedom to exercise their choice by means of vote.
India is the largest democracy in the World and has based its democratic structure on the principle of Universal Adult Franchise which guarantees right to vote to all that is everyone has one vote irrespective of caste creed , religion or sex and every vote has equal value. However we may present the following instances, where universal adult franchise has been denied:
a. Estonia cannot be regarded as a democratic country , as it has not granted right to vote to Russian minority.
b. Fiji also cannot be regarded as a democratic country because here the value of vote casted by natives Fiji is more than Indians Fijian.
c. Saudi Arabia gain cannot be regarded as a democratic country because here women are not granted voting rights.
d. These countries have not established Universal adult franchise which guarantees right to vote to all that is everyone given right to vote and every vote has equal value, which forms the basis of democratic structure.
e. These countries have not extended the principle of political equality to all.
f. These countries are not truly representative and inclusive in nature