what is kolbe,s reaction?
In the Kolbe's reaction an aqueous solution of the sodium or potassium salt of the carboxylic acid is electrolyzed . Alkane is formed at the anode.
At anode:- CH3COO- - e- → CH3COO.
CH3COO. → CH3. + CO2
CH3. + CH3. → C2H6
At cathode:-
2 H2O + 2e- → 2 OH- + H2.
This method is used for the preparation of ethane and the higher alkanes. Methane cannot be prepared by this method because in this reaction two alkyl free radicals combine to form alkane . Thus this reaction require at least two carbon atom ( at least one from each alkyl free radical) . In the methane only single carbon atom is present. Hence it can not be prepared by this reaction.