The year 1848 was important in the history of Europe, as Events of February 1848 in France brought about the abdication of the monarch and establishment of a republic based on universal male suffrage. This event had influenced the liberal revolution in 1848 led by the educated middle classes. Liberal revolution was based on the ideology of liberalism which is derived from the Latin word liber, meaning free. Liberalism as a school of thought propagated the ideas of liberty, equality , fraternity.
Based on this ideology liberal revolution made the following demands:
a.Demand for constitutionalism and national unification by the people.
b. There was a demand for a nation state, constitution , freedom of press etc.
Political ideas: It emphasized on the government based on consent. Government where constitution is supreme and is based on the free will of the people .
Social ideas: It meant end of autocracy and clerical privileges. Women suffrage movements throughout the latter half of the 19th century and early 20th century where Women using Liberal ideology demanded equal rights, status in the society.
Economic ideas: The ideology also stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital.