wtz the funtion of pons in brain?
does thalamus and hypothalamus funtn sme eef no eplain the funtion of thalamus
Pons: The pons or pons varolii is a structure located on the brain stem. It consists of fibre tracts that connect various portions of the brain. Some portions of the pons relay signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum. Some parts of the pons also deal with sleep, respiration, swallowing, bladder control, hearing, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, facial expressions, facial sensation, and posture. The pons also regulates the change from inspiration to expiration. The pons also contains the sleep paralysis center of the brain.
The thalamus and hypothalamus are two different parts of the forebrain apart from the cerebrum.
Function of thalamus in the brain is to process and relay movement and sensory information. Other function is to regulate the sleeping and wakefulness states.
The hypothalamus contains many areas that control the body temperature, urge for eating and drinking, etc. Some regions of the cerebrum along with hypothalamus are involved in the regulation of sexual behaviour and expression of emotional reactions such as excitement, pleasure, fear, etc.